Tokyo Disneyland Ceramic Mickey, Minnie, and Donald Figurine Set - ID: jundisneyana20268

Tokyo Disneyland Ceramic Mickey, Minnie, and Donald Figurine Set - ID: jundisneyana20268 Disneyana


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Price: $350.00
SKU: jundisneyana20268

A souvenir ceramic figurine set from Tokyo Disneyland. Featuring Mickey Mouse holding a dragon puppet , Minnie Mouse playing a flute, and Donald Duck holding a drum, and positioned on a black base in front of a gold tone backdrop. Tokyo Disneyland creates new figures and sets for the changing seasons, holidays, and events, limiting the availability of each new figure that comes out. Measuring 6.75"x5" and 5.25" tall, the set is in fine condition. Mickey is 3.25" tall, Donald is 3" tall, and Minnie is 3.5" tall.

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